Name of dog/cat to adopt:                 

Your Name:                                       

Your phone number:                          

Your Spouse's Name:                         

Your Spouse's Phone Number:          

Is your spouse or domestic partner on
board with this adoption?                   

Street Address:                                    



Zip Code:                                             

What is your email address?:              

Note...A valid email address is required for this application to be processed.

Do you want to foster or adopt?          

Why do you want to foster or adopt this pet?:

What are your breed preferences?:

Do you have experience with these

What size is best suited for your

What age is best suited for your

Do you have children? If yes please list their
names and ages:

Who will be responsible for pet's
daily care?                                         

Pet Ownership History & Living Arrangements

Have you ever owned a cat or dog?  

If yes, for how long?:                        

Have you ever given up a pet?:         

If yes, why?
Please list the name, breed/type,
sex, age and whether altered or not
of any pets living in your household:

Your veterinarian's name & number:

If you do not have a veterinarian yet,
please provide two personal references:

What type of area do you live in?     

Do you own your home or rent?      

If renting, are pets allowed?             

If renting & pets are allowed, what is
your landlord's name & number?
(This may act as one personal

How long have you lived
at this residence?                            

Do you have a fenced in yard (dogs

If yes, what are the approximate

Will your pet live inside the home or
outside? Why?                               

Thinking about your new pet now...

Please describe the location where
the pet will be kept when no one is home.

On average, how many hours a day will
this pet be alone?                           

On a typical day, how much exercise
will your pet get & how?                

If your pet is a puppy, how do you plan
to housetrain him/her? (all kittens are
litter box trained)

Have you considered the damage that
a puppy/kitten can do? (e.g. soiling,
biting/scratching, chewing, etc.)      

Have you ever taken a pet through
formal obedience classes or consulted
a pet behaviorist?                           

Would you consider this for your new

If you plan on adopting a cat, do you
plan on declawing it?                      

Are you aware that, assuming your pet
does not have any unusual medical
conditions, yearly costs can be over
$600 for the annual check-up,
vaccinations, heartworm control, flea
control and proper feedings?          

Are you aware that you are making up
to a 15+ year commitment?            

What would happen if a family
member or friend were to develop pet

Are you willing to let us visit you at
home during or after the adoption
takes place?                                   

Are you willing to notify Three Sisters/Ohio Hound Rescue
before any transfer of the pet in any

Please tell us where you heard about
Three Sisters/Ohio Hound Rescue Pet Rescue.

Did you know the top 6 reasons for pets being abandoned at shelters are:
1. Didn't realize the work and expense involved in raising a pet.
2. Didn't know Fido would get so big, slobber so much, nip the kids, cost money, bark a lot, steal food, etc.
3. Person became divorced, sick, injured, or died.
4. Chews on furniture
5. Soiled carpeting
6. Had to move to an apartment or house that doesn't allow pets.

Do you foresee any of these being a problem in the future?

If yes, for which reasons would you be willing to relinquish this pet?

  By clicking the Submit button below, I certify that:

- The information I have given is accurate

- I understand that Three Sisters/Ohio Hound Rescue has the right to deny any application
- I give permission for Three Sisters/Ohio Hound Rescue to call the references and veterinary practices I have listed